Friday, January 15, 2016

I'm alive!

I made it through my surgery! I'm currently in a ton of pain, but today should be the worst of it.

I'm making a costume for a production of Dream Girls, which I'm totally excited about. I made sure to cut most everything out before my surgery because I definitely cannot get down on the floor in my current state. I hate poly satin.

I also have 5 lengths of fabric waiting to be made up into Colette Sorbettos. I'm so excited to get them cut out.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Historical Sew Monthly 2016 Planning

I wasn't exactly successful at completing all of the challenges last year, but I'm hoping to do better this year!
The challenges are:

  • January –  Procrastination  finish a garment you have been putting off finishing (a UFO or PHD) or make something you have been avoiding starting.

  • I plan on finishing a mid-19th century apron I started a while back!

  • February – Tucks & Pleating – make a garment that features tucks and pleating for the shape or decoration 

  • Maybe a chemisette with some pretty tucks. Or a petticoat; petticoats are always a good idea.

  • March – Protection – make something to protect yourself (from weather or injury) or your clothes (from soiling etc.)

  • I'm thinking an earlyish 19th cent. chemise (which protects your outer garments from sweat and other gross things)

  • April – Gender-Bender – make an item for the opposite gender, or make an item with elements inspired by the fashions of the opposite gender

  • Maybe a shirt for Dylan. I've been wanting to make him one but haven't gotten around to it.

  • May – Holes – sometimes the spaces between stuff are what makes a garment special.  Make a garment that is about holes, whether it is lace, slashing, eyelets, etc.

  • Corded stays. I've been wanting to make them forever, and I think I should be recovered and "settled" enough to get a good fit in the bust. (holes would be the eyelets for lacing)

  • June – Travel – make a garment for travelling, or inspired by travel.

  • I have no idea, I'll have to research a bit! Maybe a bonnet veil.

  • July – Monochrome – make a garment in black, white, or any shade of grey in between.

  • Ooh I don't know!

  • August – Pattern – make something in pattern, the bolder and wilder the better.

  • My green 1830s dress! I have sleeves and a skirt cut out and sewn. The pattern is rather bold and wild!

  • September – Historicism – Make a historical garment that was itself inspired by the fashions of another historical period.

  • Maybe something regency. Regency drew lots of inspiration from classical greece/rome.

  • October – Heroes – Make a garment inspired by your historical hero, or your historical costuming hero.

  • Who knows!

  • November – Red – Make something in any shade of red.

  • A dress out of my beautiful pink cotton print, maybe. I think pink counts as a shade of red!

  • December – Special Occasion: make something for a special event or a specific occasion, or that would have been worn to special event of specific occasion historically

  • I shall have to find a special occasion for which to make something!
  • Friday, January 1, 2016

    Gold Dotty Skirt progress

    I'm actually doing some sewing! I'm making the cutest skirt on earth.
    From my Instagram
    It's all just pinned up on Phoebe, but it's coming along nicely. I've sewn up the pockets, and they are waiting to be sewn in. I've also used fusible interfacing for the first time! It was surprisingly easy to use.
    Once I finish it, I'll be putting it up in my etsy shop as a made to order, if you happen to want your very own! I'm sure it's going to become a staple in my wardobe.